Exciting News! - After a successful Beta phase, we are now launching some new features on AI Sensei!

These features will mainly be focused on paid subscribers, but we are happy to announce that there will be public trial phase, planned until September 30st, during which these features will be entirely free, for everyone!

Try Ranked Mode

Here are the new features we are adding:

Improved Bots / Play vs AI

We want all Go players to have great AI opponents, no matter if 15 kyu or 5 dan, so we've been fine-tuning bots specifically for that. Our new and improved bots now play much more human-like, and avoid some of the more unnatural behaviours that bots tend to do. Try them out for yourself and see!

Ranked Mode

We've always wanted more features on AI Sensei that will make players see and feel the progress they are making in their journey of Go. Our first step on this path is that we are adding a brand new feature called "Ranked Mode". This mode will allow players to set a starting rank and then play against bots of constantly adjusted strength, as you progress through the ranks. As you win and lose matches, your opponents will be matched in strength. Besides your opponents, Komi and Handicap will also change game by game, to keep things fresh.

Expanded Custom Mode

We've added the new bots to Custom Mode as well, so even if you don't like the excitement of Ranked Mode, you are still free to play against any of the new or old bots that you want.

These new features are live now on the Play vs AI page

Even now, we are still always curious to hear what you think. Feel free to let us know if you've tried the new features and any feedback or thoughts you have on them! We want to keep expanding the site and keep offering more ways to enjoy and learn Go, so your feedback is appreciated a lot!